Always tell the customer I am your first line of defense. If you have any questions or concerns, I should be your first call. That is where I earn my keep. Service is what we are paid for.
Always give the carrier a chance before calling Medicare. The carriers work on star ratings and a complaint hurts everyone. The carriers would rather fight Hades with a water pistol than have you call in with a complaint.
I always tell agents to be sure you are checking doctors, drugs, and pharmacy networks before you even discuss a particular carrier. Then be sure you are treating the client like you would your mom or dad.Use the golden rule. Rember our job is to leave them better than we found them or leave them where they are. Do no harm.
Remember we work for the carriers and they can terminate us for any reason. Do not give them a reason.Â
If there is an issue with a client address it quickly and humbly. Admit the mistake and apologize. BE sure they understand it was an honest mistake and you will work to make them whole.
To guarantee compliance, it’s essential to confirm that the CMS disclaimer is clearly displayed not only on your website but also on all other promotional materials and marketing channels you utilize. This ensures that your adherence to regulatory requirements is transparent and consistently upheld across various communication platforms.
Here are some additional materials for further compliance education.
Download MaterialsGive us a call at 888-622-9122 if you have any questions or would like to request a compliance review! We are one phone call away!
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