It’s time for Aflac MedSupp!
We are pleased to announce new Medicare Supplement insurance coverage from Aflac, a trusted name in supplemental insurance. Aflac has kept their promise to be there for clients for over 65 years.
Offer your clients an Aflac Medicare Supplement plan from a name they already know and trust. This plan is offered by Tier One Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Aflac, and is available to Integrity-contracted agents.
Clients benefit from coverage they can count on, plus a household discount* is available in most states.
A Brand Clients Know and Trust
Coverage Clients Count On
Improved Process
Agent Resources
Contact us or call us at (888) 622-9122 for state availability of this plan.
*Clients are eligible for a household premium discount if they reside with a spouse or have resided with at least one, but not more than three, other adults. See full policy details for further information.
Confidential – Recruiting Purposes Only. Aflac agents are independent agents and are not employees of Aflac. This content contains information and material that is owned by Aflac and/or its licensors, and is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws, including but not limited to copyright. By accessing, you agree that you will not use the information in any way whatsoever except for the sole purpose of reviewing Aflac materials from a recruiting standpoint. You further agree not to modify, loan, sell, distribute, or create derivative works based on this content. Any use not specifically permitted here is strictly prohibited. Aflac Medicare supplement insurance, policy series AFLMS, may not be available in all states. Aflac Medicare supplement insurance is not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program. Aflac Medicare Supplement insurance coverage is underwritten by Tier One Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Aflac Incorporated, and is administered by Aetna Life Insurance Company.